CS4344 CL4016高性能24位音频数模转换芯片

2022年11月25日 16:27    发布者:LIJINTAO123

The CS4344 CL4016 is a high performance stereo DAC designed for audio applications such as home theatre systems, cartheatre system and digital TV.
The CS4344 CL4016 supports data input data lengths 24-bits and sampling rates up to 192kHz.
The CS4344 CL4016 consists of a serial interface port, digital interpolation filter, multi-bit sigma delta modulator and stereo
DAC in MSOP 10L  package.
CS4344 CL4016 can work either in 3.3V or in 5V power supply, please read theorder information to select the right type for your design.


◆ Home theatre systems
◆ Car theatre systems
◆ Digital TV

◆ 104dB SNR (‘A’ weighted @ 48kHz), THD+N: -92dB @0dB FS
◆ Sampling frequency: 8kHz to 192kHz
◆ Input data word: 24-bit
◆ Low Clock-Jitter Sensitivity
◆ Single 3.3V or 5 V Power Supply
◆ Multi-bit Delta-Sigma Modulator
◆ On-chip Digital De-emphasis

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