
2013年10月19日 06:26    发布者:1770309616
最惊悚面试:求职者遭遇世界末日Applicants for a job interview with LG Electronics in Chile had the scare of their lives when the company played a cruel prank on them that has been turned into an amusing TV advertisement.去智利LG电子公司参加面试的应聘者们经历了人生中的一场惊吓,公司对他们策划了一起残忍的恶作剧,最后把记录下来的影像变成了一个有趣的广告。
To promote just how life-like images appear on the company’s 82-inch ‘Ultra HD’ TV, LG created a fake office in which one of its screen was positioned to look like a window.为了推广公司82英寸的超高清电视能显示出栩栩如生的图像,LG公司建了一个假的办公室,并把电视屏幕放置成一扇窗户的样子。
Four unlucky applicants –two men and two women –were then filmed in the fake office being interviewed for a job with the company.4名倒霉的应聘者——两男两女——在假办公室的面试被录制了下来。
To begin with, the interview process seems perfectly normal as the interviewer shakes their hand and starts to look at their resume.开始时,面试过程看起来再平常不过了,面试官和应聘者握手后开始看简历。
But then the cityscape outside starts to change, the blue sky turns black, a meteor emerges from the clouds and suddenly the city explodes.但是之后外面的城市景观开始变化,蓝天突然变暗,一块陨石从云层中浮现,突然城市爆炸了。
The combination of high-def images and sound is –apparently - so realistic that each of the four interviewees freaks out, panicking and screaming as they see what they think is their city being destroyed.高青图像和声音的结合显然有点太过真实,四个应聘者都有些崩溃了,他们惊慌失措地尖叫着,所看到的的景象让他们以为城市被毁灭了。
Next the lights go out and the poor unsuspecting victims are left in the dark for a couple of minutes to add to the drama.之后办公室里的灯熄灭,这些毫不怀疑的可怜受害者们被留在了黑暗中几分钟,以增加戏剧效果。
When the lights go back on, the door suddenly opens and in walks the LG team behind the prank to congratulation the poor unsuspecting targets.当灯光重新亮起时,办公室门突然打开,策划这起恶作剧的LG团队走进来恭喜这些可怜的、毫不怀疑的目标们。
The interviewee reactions after the prank are just as animated as some scream and shout, while others are quick to see the funny side of things and are probably just grateful that they haven’t just experienced the apocalypse.应聘者们对于恶作剧的反应十分逼真,一些人尖叫吼叫着,而其他人很快找到了有趣的一面,对于他们刚刚并没有经历真实的世界末日而心存感激。
It is a cruel but entertaining prank which does a highly effective job of promoting LG's ultra high-def televisions.这起有趣的恶作剧虽然很残忍,但是很有效地推广了LG的超高清电视。
However, some comments online by those who have seen the ad claim the whole process was faked. They claim actors are playing the parts of applicants and interviewers to promote the company's latest television.但是,网络上有一些看过广告的网友评论称整个过程很假,他们觉得应聘者和面试官都是演员,一切都是为了推广最新款电视。

[*]animate ['ænimeit, 'ænimət]video
vt. 使有生气;使活泼;鼓舞;推动adj. 有生命的
[*]entertain [,entə'tein]video
vt. 娱乐;招待;怀抱;容纳vi. 款待
[*]prank video
n. 恶作剧,开玩笑;戏谑vt. 装饰;打扮vi. 炫耀自己;胡闹
[*]panic ['pænik]video
n. 恐慌,惊慌;大恐慌adj. 恐慌的;没有理由的vt. 使恐慌vi. 十分惊慌
[*]scare video
vt. 惊吓;把…吓跑vi. 受惊n. 恐慌;惊吓;惊恐adj. (美)骇人的
[*]freak video
n. 怪人,怪事;畸形人;反复无常adj. 奇异的,反常的
[*]haven ['heivən]video
n. 港口;避难所,安息所vt. 为……提供避难处;安置……于港中
[*]meteor ['mi:tiə]video
n. 流星;[气象] 大气现象
[*]emerge video
vi. 浮现;摆脱;暴露
[*]realistic [,riə'listik, ,ri:-]video
adj. 现实的;现实主义的;逼真的;实在论的

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1770309616 2013年10月21日