风暴前夕:Intel/IBM 22/15nm制程关键制造技术前瞻

2010年01月11日 13:22    发布者:phoenixmy
半导体特征尺寸正在向22/15nm的等级不断缩小,传统的平面型晶体管还能满足要求吗?有关这个问题,业界已经讨论了很久。现在,决定半导体制造技术发展方向的历史拐点即将到来,尽管IBM和Intel两大阵营在发展方式上会有各自不同的风格和路线,但双方均已表态称在15nm级别制程启用全耗尽型晶体管(FD:Fully Depleted)技术几乎已成定局,同时他们也都已经在认真考虑下一步要不要将垂直型晶体管制造技术如三门晶体管,finFET等投入实用。

据Intel的制程技术经理Mark Bohr表示,Intel 对部分耗尽型(PD:Partliy Depleted)CMOS技术能否继续沿用到15nm制程节点感到“非常悲观”。但他同时表示,虽然只有SOI技术才可以在保留传统平面晶体管结构的条件下应用FD技术;但是体硅制程也并非无可救药,采用三门或者FinFET等立体晶体管结构技术,便可以在体硅或者SOI上满足关键尺寸进一步缩小的需求,一样也可以制造出FD MOSFET。

Gartner的分析师Dean Freeman则表示,目前半导体业界所面临的情况与1980年代非常类似,当时业界为了摆脱面临的发展瓶颈,开始逐步采用CMOS技术来制造内存和逻辑芯片,从而开创了半导体业界的新纪元。


其次,传统的SiGe PMOS硅应变技术也开始面临瓶颈,在32nm制程节点中,漏源两极中掺杂的锗元素含量已经占到了40%左右,很难再为沟道原子提供更高级别的应变.

其三,栅极氧化物的厚度方面也将出现发展瓶颈问题.IBM研发中心的高管Bruce Doris表示,栅极氧化物厚度减薄的速度已经跟不上栅极宽度缩小的步伐.




据Intel表示,在下一代22nm制程产品中,他们仍将继续采用传统基于体硅的平面型晶体管结构(此前曾有传言称 Intel会在22nm制程中转向立体结构的三门晶体管技术),他们计划于2011年底正式推出22nm制程技术。而在今年的9月份,Intel已经展示过一款采用22nm制程技术制造的SRAM芯片,这种芯片的存储密度为364Mb,内含29亿个晶体管,并且采用了Intel第三代gate-last HKMG制程技术,门极绝缘层和金属栅极的主要部分在制造工序的最后几个工步制造成型,避开前面的高温退火工步(45/32nm中使用的前代技术则只有金属栅极才在最后几个工步制造成型)。

至于15nm制程节点,Bohr表示,Intel目前正在考虑在15nm制程节点上要采用哪些新的制程技术以满足要求,他认为:“全耗尽技术对降低芯片的功耗非常有效。”不过 Intel目前也在考虑除此之外的多种可行性方案,比如是转向三门晶体管技术(三门技术其实与IBM的双门finFET同属finFET型晶体管,但由于对手将其双门技术命名为finFET,因此Intel便根据自己的finFET技术特点将其命名为三门技术),或者是转向全耗尽+平面型晶体管技术等等。据Bohr表示,Intel会在六个月之内就15nm制程节点将采用哪一种新技术做出决定。

此前据Intel前技术经理Scott Thompson预计,Intel最终会选择采用三门结构晶体管制程,而其它的厂商则会因为FinFET结构的制程工艺复杂性而对FinFET望而却步。Scott Thompson现在的职位是在佛罗里达大学任教。



IBM阵营方面,与Intel不同,尽管有可能后延到15nm制程节点时间段,但IBM公司已经开始考虑要在22nm制程节点便开始使用FD-SOI技术。IBM公司12月份曾经展示了一种基于ETSOI(extremely thin SOI:超薄SOI)的FD-ETSOI工艺。这种工艺仍然基于传统的平面型晶体管结构,不过这种工艺的SOI层厚度则非常薄,这样便可以采用全耗尽工艺,能够显著减小短通道效应(SCE)的影响。

ETSOI技术能将SOI层的厚度缩小到极低的水平,使用这种技术之后,22nm制程中的SOI层的厚度仅有6.3nm,而传统的SOI层厚度通常在 20nm以上,发展到15nm制程,SOI层的厚度还可以进一步被缩小到5nm左右。据IBM表示,尽管由Soitec公司提供,能用于制造ETSOI产品的SOI晶圆数量仍十分有限,但他们已经可以把这种SOI层的厚度误差控制在±5 ?左右.

不过ETSOI技术也有其难点,由于SOI层的厚度极薄,因此很容易受到损坏。而且为了避免对SOI层造成损坏,在制造漏/源极时不能采用传统破坏性较强的离子注入技术,必须采用就地掺杂技术(in-situ doping)。“我们采用的是不会损害ETSOI层的就地掺杂技术。我们首先生成栅极隔离层,然后在漏源区用外延技术沉积生长出漏/源极,形成外延层(图中的epi)并在漏/源极的生长过程中同时就地掺杂所需的杂质元素,然后我们会对晶体管进行加热处理,令漏源极中的掺杂原子向沟道方向扩散,形成扩散层(图中的ext)。而加热处理过程中我们使用的尖峰退火技术(spike anneal )则不会对ETSOI层的结构造成不必要的损害。”

隶属IBM技术同盟的GobalFoundries的技术开发经理John Pellerin也表示这种FD-ETSOI技术很快便会付诸实用,不过他表示:“但是我们现在很难说具体什么时候会转向这种技术。”Pellerin表示,FD-SOI技术从应用结构上看与现有的PD-SOI技术非常相近,“我们只需要把SOI层的厚度变薄,并想办法解决ETSOI带来的一些问题即可,其它的部分则和传统的制造工艺基本相同。”当然ETSOI技术仍有许多其他的问题需要解决,比如如何减小器件的寄生电阻等等。



2009年,IBM公司增加了用于实验finFET效能的晶圆样片数量,据他们表示,finFET技术所带来的性能提升“令人非常满意。”不过 finFET与平面型晶体管之间各有优劣。“平面型晶体管结构并不需要对传统的工艺进行太多改进,过去30年来人们所使用的很多技术都可以应用在平面型结构的ETSOI里,而要进一步升级为finFET结构,所需要的制造工艺则复杂得多,这种技术对光刻和蚀刻技术提出了很高的要求。”


在22nm节点,看起来至少1家以上的大型厂商会采用向NMOS管的漏源区掺杂碳原子的方法来为沟道施加拉伸应力,以形成应变硅。IBM在描述自己的 FD-ETSOI工艺时曾经提到,他们会在沉积NMOS管的漏源极时向极内掺杂碳杂质。而且另外一家IBM工艺技术联盟的成员Applied Materials公司也分别在去年的IEDM和今年的Semicon会展上两次强调了这种SiC硅应变技术的可行性。

那么外界对SiC 技术的评价如何呢?据GlobalFoundries公司的Pellerin表示:“我们正在关注SiC硅应变技术,并且正在考虑在我们的22nm及更高级别制程中使用这项技术。”在目前的工艺尺寸条件情况下,要想很好地控制漏源区的离子注入过程将是一项非常复杂的任务,而在IBM的FD-ETSOI工艺中,NMOS中使用的SiC硅应变技术则与PMOS中的SiGe硅应变技术一样是采用外延沉积实现的,不必再为如何控制离子注入而担忧。他并表示:“如何在NMOS管中应用硅应变技术将是另外一个改善晶体管性能的关键技术。”

相比之下,Intel的Bohr则完全改变了他对SiC硅应变技术的态度,他过去曾经表示 Intel更倾向于使用SiC硅应变技术,不过最近他在IEDM2009会议中接受采访时则表示他不愿意就Intel在SiC硅应变技术方面取得的进展发表任何评论。而会上代表Intel做有关Intel 32nm制程技术演讲的Paul Packan则在演讲后回答记者提问的环节没有理会一位记者提出的有关SiC硅应变技术在32nm制程NMOS结构中应用状况的问题。


Gartner 的分析师Freeman表示,他认为Intel和AMD会继续走自己的老路,Intel不太可能会使用SOI技术,而IBM则会继续将SOI发扬光大。他认为Intel如果采用三门晶体管技术,“便可以绕开SOI,因此Intel未必会转向SOI。”他并表示:“Intel会尽可能地延长体硅制程的寿命,而IBM则会尽快转向全耗尽型SOI技术。”他还认为将来Soitec和信越化学公司(SEH, Tokyo)将具备向IBM提供符合对方需要的ETSOI晶圆的能力(目前IBM需要在厂内对ETSOI硅层进行处理)。


除了以上所述的即将投入使用的技术之外,用于制造场效应管沟道的半导体材料下一步也有可能会发生变化。在去年的IEDM会议上,斯坦福大学的教授 Krishna Saraswat曾表示,当沟道宽度降至10nm左右时,必须采用新材料来制造沟道。据他估计,业界将首先开发出NMOS管使用III-V族元素构建沟道,PMOS管使用锗元素构建沟道的技术,然后再向PMOS/NMOS统一采用III- V族元素制造沟道的方向发展。转向使用III-V族元素将大大减小器件的工作电压和管子的能耗,可将工作电压减小至0.5V。不久之前,Intel便介绍了他们在使用这种技术制造的QWFET场效应管方面取得的新进展,当时他们向这种晶体管结构中引入了High-K栅极氧化物层。




老郭 2010年01月11日
CMOS Transitions to 22 and 15 nm

Scaling beyond the 22 nm node is likely to require fully depleted CMOS, either on SOI or bulk wafers. TSV 3-D interconnects and SiC stressors also appear likely to be implemented, while the jury is still out on when vertical finFETs and III-V devices will be widely implemented.

David Lammers, News Editor -- Semiconductor International, 1/1/2010

Technologists have long debated how far plain-vanilla planar CMOS transistors on bulk silicon wafers could be scaled. Now, the transition to new paradigms appears to be underway, with fully depleted CMOS almost definitely on the 15 nm roadmaps at IBM and Intel, with some form of vertical transistors being seriously considered as well.

Mark Bohr, Intel's director of process architecture and integration, said he and his Intel colleagues are "pretty pessimistic that partially depleted (PD) CMOS will extend to the 15 nm node." A planar, fully depleted (FD) technology could only be constructed on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate, Bohr said, but a tri-gate or finFET device could be created on either bulk or SOI wafers.

Gartner analyst Dean Freeman likens the current period to the early to mid-1980s, when first memory and then logic transitioned to CMOS. "The NPN transistor gave the CPU vendors a new lease on life. I think we are at a point like that again. But the question is out there: How do we keep innovating?"

1. Drive currents have been slowed by higher threshold voltages and slowed gate length scaling. (Source: Intel, 2009 IEDM)

Changes — whatever they may be — are coming because for the last generation or two, scaling the gate length (Lg) has resulted in reverse scaling (Fig. 1).1 To avoid short channel effects (SCE), more phosphorus and boron are being doped into the channel, raising threshold voltages and slowing transistors speeds. Random dopant fluctuations (RDF), in which the number of dopants in the channel vary as a function of the halo implantation, can have a large influence on the Vt, hurting performance and cutting overall yield.

Strain also faces limits. More germanium can be added to the SiGe stressors — from the ~40% germanium level used at the 32 nm node — but there is less room for the material to create the strain.

While IBM, Intel and others are thinning the gate dielectric with high-k materials, the gate dielectric "is not thinning as fast as we need it to in order to make an appreciable improvement in gate length scaling," said Bruce Doris, manager of advanced device integration at IBM's Albany, N.Y., R&D center. Other knobs are getting harder to turn as well. Operating voltages are leveling off, making it more difficult to reduce power consumption. Making the junctions shallower is causing the source/drain resistance to increase.

What to do? At 22 nm, Intel will stay on a bulk technology, Bohr said. Intel is on track to introduce its 22 nm MPUs at the end of 2011. The Intel 22 nm test chip (Fig. 2) with SRAM arrays and logic peripheral circuits was introduced in September with a 364 Mb array size and 2.9 billion transistors. It includes a third-generation gate-last high-k/metal gate process that deposits both the dielectric and the metals at the end of the process.

2. Intel's 22 nm test chip has 2.9 billion transistors. (Source: Intel)

Thus far, performance gains from Intel's strain techniques — including the PMOS strain added from the replacement gate, or gate last, method of depositing high-k/metal gates — have more than compensated for the speed degradation coming from the deleterious effects of channel doping. Going forward, however, Bohr said "further invention" will be needed, beyond pitch and gate length scaling.

Now working on pathfinding technologies for the 15 nm generation, Bohr said, "Fully depleted technologies have inherent low-power advantages." Intel is exploring a range of options, Bohr said, including tri-gate devices and fully depleted planar technologies. Intel has a decision to make in about six months, when it will lock in the process architecture for its 15 nm technology.

(Scott Thompson, a former Intel technology manager who now teaches at the University of Florida at Gainesville, believes Intel will adopt a tri-gate structure at some point, while the rest of the industry will shy away from the manufacturing challenges of finFETs.)

Historically, Intel has not been positive about SOI for partially depleted, planar CMOS devices. "We look for value," Bohr said. "Whether it is SOI or an extra metal layer, we do it if it gives us extra performance or lower power."  

John Pellerin, director of technology development for GobalFoundries, also said fully depleted CMOS is coming, though he said it is "difficult to draw discrete lines in the roadmap where such transitions occur."

As a foundry that counts Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD, Sunnyvale, Calif.) as its first customer, GlobalFoundries will support AMD and others with an SOI roadmap, while advancing bulk for other customers. Because so many companies are pooling R&D resources at the Fishkill Alliance, Pellerin said, "We do have the benefit of pursuing multiple architectures in parallel. Bulk is the incumbent for many applications, while for some high-performance sectors, PD-SOI is the incumbent. When those are dethroned is difficult to predict. What we do is look at novel architectures while at the same time raising the bar of the incumbents. That makes it more challenging for the newcomers."

Partially depleted or conventional bulk transistors "become quite difficult" as scaling proceeds, Pellerin said. "In order to get the short channel characteristics required, certainly fully depleted device architectures — be they vertical devices like finFETs or planar SOI — allow you to take that challenge of channel control out of the equation. That's the enticement: not stuffing a lot of doping in the channel to control the short channel effect."

The ability to get a consistent amount of doping in the channel is becoming difficult to manage. "That's where variation gets difficult," Pellerin said, "and where a fully depleted type of architecture starts to look very attractive."

IBM, for its flagship MPU process technology, is considering making a move to fully depleted technologies as early as the 22 nm node, though it is more likely to come at 15 nm. Ghavam Shahidi, director of silicon technology at the T.J. Watson Research Center (Yorktown Heights, N.Y.), said IBM is developing fully depleted transistors, using planar structures on extremely thin SOI (ETSOI) wafers.2 ETSOI results in a thin silicon body, which reduces short channel effect (SCE) problems that stem from scaling the extensions to less than the depletion width.

"Thin-body devices make the thinning of the extensions simpler, and they reduce the and Vt variations. The undoped body has much lower leakage and dopant variations," Shahidi said.

PD-SOI involves learning to deal with the SOI history effect, which affects the Vt level and complicates design somewhat. With FD-SOI, there is no history effect, which makes FD-SOI design much simpler for smaller companies.

The ETSOI technology incorporates several process innovations, including in situ doped epitaxial (implant-free) deposition of the source/drain and extension regions, and a faceted raised source/drain architecture, said Kangguo Cheng, lead engineer on the 22 nm device integration team at IBM's Albany R&D center.

3. Extremely thin SOI technology requires a thin silicon layer, and small thickness variations. (Source: IBM)

ETSOI requires an extremely thin body, with the critical silicon layer on the SOI wafer in the 6.3 nm range for the 22 nm generation, and even thinner, ~5 nm, for 15 nm devices (Fig. 3). Doris said most of the 300 mm SOI wafers delivered to IBM from Soitec (Bernin, France) have an acceptable silicon thickness variation of ±5 Å, although the shipments from Soitec have been in limited quantities thus far.

ETSOI processing must be done carefully beacuse the thin silicon layer can recrystallize. "The silicon is so thin," Cheng said, "once you destroy the top silicon layer there is nothing left to recover." In situ doping, rather than implantation, is required, also to avoid material destruction.3 "We do in situ doping, which is non-destructive. We form the spacer, and need to leave the S/D epitaxial growth with the in situ dopants. After that, we heat up the wafer so dopants in the S/D can move toward the channel." A spike anneal does not destroy the silicon structure, he explained.

While the ETSOI team is aiming for introduction at the 22 nm node ("All the ducks seem to be lining up," Doris said) the power of incumbency may keep IBM on partially depleted SOI until the 15 nm node.

Pellerin, who manages the GlobalFoundries technology development team at Fishkill, said FD-SOI looks topographically similar to PD-SOI. "We are just dealing with a very thin body. It shares the processes we've grown accustomed to, and is good for channel characteristics." There is still the series resistance problem, and work is required to connect the source and drain to the channel. A raised S/D and other types of approaches have to be considered. "One challenge is: How do I reduce that parasitic resistance of that device?" Pellerin said.

Gartner analyst Freeman said he believes that Intel and IBM will stick by their traditional guns, with Intel shying away from SOI substrates as long as possible and IBM pushing SOI as hard as it can. The Intel tri-gate structure, Freeman noted, "doesn't have to use SOI, because the area gets so small. There is still leakage at the substrate, but it is not a given that Intel has to go to SOI."

Freeman's prediction is that "Intel will stretch bulk wafers as long as it can." IBM, on the other hand, will move as fast as is practical to fully depleted SOI. Both Soitec and Shin-Etsu Handotai (SEH, Tokyo) will be able to supply ETSOI wafers with the required specs, he said.

FinFETs remain enticing

FinFETs are another major path of investigation.3 Pellerin said ETSOI and finFETs also should be considered as a continuum, just as PD- and FD-SOI are. "I don't see one excluding the other. Both share some common advantages, and they also have their own unique set of integration challenges. To get to the transistor densities we will need, planar can only be shrunk so much. When we have to go to a finFET, it opens the door to an ability to achieve those transistor densities because we can pack vertical devices a lot closer together. FinFETs do have that additional knob of transistor density, to levels that planar would have difficulty in achieving."

4. FinFETs offer scaling advantages, but present manufacturing issues. (Source: IBM)

FinFETs and tri-gate structures both involve "extra process complexity," Bohr said, but there is a payoff. Tri-gate structures have challenges with parasitic resistance and capacitance, but Bohr said Intel's tri-gate devices are demonstrating "better performance than any other published tri-gate or FinFET device."

IBM doubled the number of R&D wafers on its finFET program in 2009 (Fig. 4), and the finFET effort is getting "really nice results," Doris said. "There are pros and cons of each one." A planar structure "is so comforting because it keeps the design style people are used to," he said. Although the width can be varied on planar transistors, with finFETs, "you have to add them up. There is no arbitrary width, so you quantize it and make more fins."

Doris added, "I believe most people in the industry would agree that finFET processing is more difficult. Lithography is a huge challenge, though people can overcome that with sidewall image transfer."

Etching the gate is another challenge. The gate wraps around the fin, making it difficult to characterize the profile of the gate. For there to be acceptable transistor characteristics, "the gate has to be as straight as possible," Doris said.
In planar structures the gates lie in one plane, but "in finFETs, the gates are traversing the channel up and down all over your wafer. That poses some fundamental questions and approaches to how you integrate all the processes together to make that device," Doris said.

When the gate wraps around the fin, it is difficult to optimize. "Much of the processing that the industry has used for the past 30 years can still be used on planar ETSOI," Doris said. "This industry tends to take very small steps. That's how we got to where we are. And that's why doing something fundamentally different like finFETs, at the same level of complexity, is hard to fathom in the near future."  

Pellerin said he has spoken to design customers about how prominent the design challenges to finFETs may be, in particular the "discretized device Ws."

GlobalFoundries is targeting the 20 largest foundry customers, and they have not cited transistor width as a "showstopper or even a roadblock," Pellerin said. "We can offer multiple fins. Device designers don't use width as an analog kind of knob anyway. So while design with finFETs has been talked about, it is not panning out to be an issue at all."

Freeman said although most companies are leery of finFETs because of the lithography and etching challenges of the vertical structures, "in one sense the epitaxial raised source/drain structures already are vertical in nature."

SiC: yes or no?

At 22 nm, it appears likely that one or more of the leaders will use the smaller-than-silicon carbon atoms to exert a tensile (pulling) stress on the silicon NMOS channel. The epitaxial structures on IBM's ETSOI process described at the recent International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), for example, use in situ doping to add SiC as a stressor on the NMOS devices. At the 2008 IEDM, and again at the 2009 Semicon West, the Fishkill Alliance partners, including Applied Materials, said they had demonstrated that SiC strain is workable.

But has anyone committed to SiC? Pellerin said SiC is "an element we are looking at and considering for our 22 and below device architecture." Implanting the source/drain regions is becoming more complicated, and the SiC stressors are epitaxially grown, much like the SiGe strain regions on the pFETs. "Strain to the NMOS channel becomes another knob with which to improve performance," Pellerin said.

Bohr has changed his tune somewhat on SiC stressors. In the past, he said Intel was leaning against SiC, but in an interview at the 2009 IEDM he said he didn't want to comment on the current status of SiC at Intel. Paul Packan, who presented Intel's 32 nm transistors at IEDM, also didn't reply to a question from the audience about SiC on the 32 nm NMOS devices.

TSVs: Not only for memory

Through-silicon vias (TSVs) and 3-D chip stacking are another technology that appears to be on the cusp of volume production. Already, IBM offers a fast SOI-based embedded DRAM capability, used on the Power 7 microprocessors and also offered to its foundry customers. TSV interconnected memory could be another weapon in IBM's unique technology arsenal of SOI, embedded SOI DRAM and, soon, TSV interconnects.

Pellerin said TSVs will "definitely play a role" going forward, adding, "Embedded dense memory is an equally viable option and has a strong role to play. 3-D with TSVs is another approach to achieving that. And we shouldn't limit it to a logic chip mated to a memory. With TSVs, customers can really do heterogeneous types of integration that go beyond memory, enabling high-form-factor, high-function handheld devices. They can gain a lot of leverage in terms of what they can do in a small amount of space with heterogeneous die stacking using 3-D and TSVs."

A role for heterogenous devices?

By heterogeneous, Pellerin was referring to connecting logic with, say, optoelectronic or other devices that require a different material technology. Another meaning to the word heterogeneous is the use of a III-V transistor on the NMOS and a germanium transistor on the PMOS, for example. At the 2009 IEDM evening panel discussion, Krishna Saraswat, a professor at Stanford University, predicted that around the 10 nm channel length the industry will need to shift to new channel materials. Ideally, the industry will develop a decent III-V PMOS transistor to complement a III-V NMOS transistor, he said, a combination that would have "much lower power" consumption than silicon devices. "A III-V and germanium PMOS would be able to come in earlier that an all III-V solution, representing a good compromise," Saraswat said.

Going forward, controlling power is the main challenge, said Raj Jammy, director of the front-end program at Sematech (Austin, Texas). "We need true high-performance devices with low power too. There is a blending or convergence going on," Jammy said, adding, "The beauty is that once we get to III-V devices, we can get to half of the operating voltages used today — to 0.5 V."

Jammy led a Sematech workshop preceding IEDM on heterogeneous devices that combine a III-V (InGaAs is the most likely material set) device on the nFET, and perhaps a germanium channel on the pFET.4 The heterogeneous approach uses epitaxial techniques, depositing a III-V and germanium on a 300 mm wafer only in the critical circuits.

For many university researchers, III-V-based devices are well-suited to the blending that may be needed. "III-Vs have made rapid progress in the last six months, more than many industry people realize," said T.P. Ma, a professor at Yale University.

Some researchers, such as Akira Toriumi, now a University of Tokyo professor after a career at Toshiba Corp., argue that germanium channels can be used for both pFET and nFET devices.5 Jammy cautioned that "a germanium nFET is not easy, because of high contact resistance and high interface states."

5. Thus far, III-V devices have high mobility but face density issues. (Source: Intel)

Robert Chau, director of transistor research and nanotechnology at Intel's Technology and Manufacturing Group in Hillsboro, Ore., said Intel has develop III-V n-channel devices (Fig. 5) with "very, very high mobility, significant gains in effective velocity and drain current. However, the footprint scalability remains an unknown."6

Professor Dimitri Antoniadis, who heads up the Marco Center and device research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, Cambridge, Mass.), said III-V transistors "will help on the speed and power vectors; the density vector is tricky. They may not help on gate length scaling; there is a lot more work that needs to be done on scalability."

Thomas Skotnicki, a research manager at STMicroelectronics (Geneva), raised doubts about whether III-V devices will ever be introduced into mainstream ICs. "Silicon gives us the speed we need. At best, III-Vs will be limited to high-speed paths. The high-mobility materials might be introduced locally to improve variability, which is a key problem."


1. P. Packan et al., "High Performance 32 nm Logic Technology Featuring 2nd Generation High-k + Metal Gate Transistors," 2009 IEDM Proc., p. 659.
2. G. Shahidi, "Device Architecture: Ultimate Planar CMOS Limit and Sub- 32nm Device Options," 2009 IEDM Short Course, p. 25.
3. K. Cheng et al., "Extremely Thin SOI (ETSOI) CMOS With Record Low Variability for Low Power System-on-Chip Applications," 2009 Proc., p. 49.
4. D. Lammers, "Silicon May Prevail Despite Power Fears," Semiconductor.net, Dec. 7, 2009.
5. C.H. Lee et al., "Record-High Electron Mobility in Ge n-MOSFETs Exceeding Si Universality," 2009 IEDM Proc., p. 457.
6. G. Dewey et al., "Logic Performance Evaluation and Transport Physics of Schottky-Gate III-V Compound Semiconductor Quantum Well Field Effect Transistors for Power Supply Voltages (VCC) Ranging From 0.5V to 1.0V," 2009 IEDM Proc., p. 487.
老郭 2010年01月11日
phoenixmy 2010年01月11日
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Netjob 2010年01月12日
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