Windows Mobile 7.0 HW Spec揭开未来强大智能手机面纱

2009年07月17日 10:38    发布者:McuPlayer
本帖最后由 McuPlayer 于 2009-7-17 10:40 编辑

智能手机是未来手机的主宰已是不争的事实?智能手机的强大是和操作系统分不开的,想知道未来的智能手机有多强大吗?这里分享一个网上流传的关于Windows Mobile7硬件配置的规范,3.5寸屏就支持WVGA (800×480) 或者 FWVGA (854×480)分辨率,超强啊,还支持高速蓝牙、wi-fi、FM、GPS、高速USB。。。简直就是一个小笔记本电脑,不知道什么时候手机能面市!!
WM7 Chassis 1 Specification
Core requirements:
Processor: ARM v6+, L2 Cache, VFP, Open GL ES 2.0 graphics HW (QCOM 8k, Nvidia AP15/16* and TI 3430 all meet spec)
Memory: 256MB+ DRAM, 1G+ Flash (at least 512MB fast flash – 5MB/s unbuffered read @4K block size)
Display:  WVGA (800×480) or FWVGA (854×480) 3.5” or greater diagonal
Touch: Multi-touch required
Battery: Sufficient to meet Days of Use LTK requirements.
Controls: Start, Back, Send and End are required (soft controls allowed as long as they are always present).
Camera: 3MP+, flash optional, 2nd camera optional (VGA resolution sufficient)
GPS: aGPS required
Sensors required: Light Sensor, Compass (3 axis, 5 degrees, 100 Hzsample rate), Accelerometer (3 axis, 2mg resolution, 100 Hz sample rate)
USB: High speed required, 20 MB/s transfer rate.
BlueTooth: BT2.1 required, must run MSFT BT stack, CSR BlueCore6 or later recommended.
Wi-Fi: 802.11B/G required, must run MSFT Native Wi-Fi stack, Atheros 6002 or Broadcomm 4325 recommended.
Connectors: Micro USB and 3.5mm Audio required.
FM tuner:  If tuner HW is present it will be detected and supported by the Media application.
SD Card (Micro SD recommended)
DPAD, qwerty or 12/20 key keyboards all optional


@︻$▅▆▇◤ 2009年07月21日
hqgboy 2009年07月22日