Electric Circuits (9th Edition) + solutions manual

2014年07月14日 17:09    发布者:看门狗

Electric Circuits (9th Edition) + solutions manual
Authors: James W. Nilsson  , Susan Riedel

Hardcover: 816 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall; 9 edition (January 13, 2010)

Designed for use in a one or two-semester Introductory Circuit Analysis or Circuit Theory Course taught in Electrical or Computer Engineering Departments.

Electric Circuits 9/e is the most widely used introductory circuits textbook of the past 25 years. As this book has evolved over the years to meet the changing learning styles of students, importantly, the underlying teaching approaches and philosophies remain unchanged. The goals are:
        - To build an understanding of concepts and ideas explicitly in terms of previous learning
        - To emphasize the relationship between conceptual understanding and problem solving approaches
        - To provide students with a strong foundation of engineering practices.



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rinllow6 2014年07月14日
jimcmwang 2014年11月14日
Electric_Circuits 9th.part1.rar (14.77 MB, 下载次数: 28)
jimcmwang 2014年11月14日
Electric_Circuits 9th.part2.rar (14.77 MB, 下载次数: 30)
jimcmwang 2014年11月14日
Electric_Circuits 9th.part3.rar (4.17 MB, 下载次数: 29)
jimcmwang 2014年11月14日
Electric Circuits - Nilsson-Riedel (9th Ed.) (2011) Solution Manual.rar (4.3 MB, 下载次数: 36)
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