STM32 F0 Discovery相关资料汇总

2014年02月25日 22:20    发布者:admin
32F072B DISCOVERY kit for STM32F0 series - with STM32F072RB
The STM32F072 Discovery kit helps you to discover the STM32F072 which has the full set of features available in the STM32F0 series and to develop your applications easily. It includes everything required for beginners and experienced users to get started quickly.

Based on the STM32F072RBT6, it includes an ST-LINK/V2 embedded debug tool interface, ST MEMS Gyroscope, LEDs, Pushbuttons, Linear Touch Sensor, Touch keys, RF EEprom connector and a USB mini-B connector.

A large number of free ready-to-run application firmware examples are available from ST to support quick evaluation and development.

Technical Documentation

Product Specifications:132837

User Manual:132835

Hardware Resources

Board Manufacturing Specification:132836

Bill of Materials:132839

Schematic Pack:132838

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lkl0305 2014年02月26日
rencia 2014年02月28日