
2014年02月15日 23:40    发布者:lichen
Latest China Scam: I've Been Arrested in the Brothel Crackdown!中国最新诈骗:“在东莞被抓速汇款!”If the sex industry is fastest to seize on new ways to part fools from their money, China's legions of hackers and text-message swindlers aren't far behind.如果说性产业是骗傻瓜掏钱的最快手段,那么中国的黑客军团和短信诈骗团伙们也不甘落后。Evidence: A day after authorities launched a massive crackdown on brothels in a dissipated Chinese border town, the country's Internet came alive with warnings about a scam in which con artists used the police action as the pretext for a desperate and deceptive cry for cash.证据如下:在中国政府对东莞性产业展开大规模“扫黄”行动后的次日,中国网络上就出现了各种警告,提醒人们不要轻信骗子的骗局——诈骗分子借警方此次“扫黄”行动作为幌子,以一种看似急需帮助的骗局诈骗钱财。'Dad, I've been detained while playing around in Dongguan. Please immediately wire 5, 000 yuan to Police Officer X's ICBC account XXXXXX. Don't call. We'll talk when I get out. Quickly!' read one suspicious text message that was circulating in the wake of Sunday night's sweep, according to a report posted on the website of the official Xinhua news agency ( in Chinese).据新华社网站报道,在周日晚间警方开展扫黄行动之后,“爸,我在东莞玩被抓了,速汇款5,000元到X警官工行卡XXXXXX,别打电话,出来再说,快!”类似这样的可疑短信已经流传开来。A neon-lit manufacturing hub located across the border from Hong Kong in Guangdong province, Dongguan has long been known as China's 'Sin City, ' home to armies of sex workers who serve everyone from migrant workers to executives. It is subject to frequent clean-up campaigns, but the current one garnered widespread attention because it was preceded by a series of controversial investigative reports by state broadcaster China Central Television.毗邻香港的东莞市是一个灯红酒绿的制造业中心,长期以来更以中国“性都”之称而声名狼藉。这里聚集着大量的性工作者,上至企业高管、下至民工都是她们的服务对象。尽管东莞过去也开展过扫黄行动,但最近这次获得之所以广泛关注,说因为中国中央电视台此前播出了一系列引发争议的调查性报道。Capitalizing on the hype, digital swindlers were also using the crackdown in fake phishing advertisements for popular e-commerce site Taobao that said an online store had temporarily stopped taking orders because the boss had been apprehended. Users were encouraged to click on an alternate site containing malware, according to Xinhua.舆论对东莞扫黄行动的高度关注也给了网络骗子以可乘之机,诈骗分子藉此放出假冒热门电商网站淘宝网(Taobao)的钓鱼广告。据新华社报道,某QQ群出现某淘宝网店铺公告截图,声称某淘宝店铺“由于老板昨天去东莞被抓,店铺暂时无人打理,各位亲们暂停下跌。XXXX下单去这里吧。”但当用户打开图片上的网站后,发现竟然是假冒淘宝的钓鱼网站。The Xinhua report, circulated widely through official government social media accounts Tuesday, was based on information from Internet-security company Qihoo 360 Technology ( in Chinese). Qihoo told Xinhua it had seen a nearly 12% increase in Trojan attacks from porn websites containing 'Dongguan' as a keyword on Monday alone.中国政府的官方社交媒体帐户周二广泛转发了新华社上述报道。该则报道的根据是网络安全公司奇虎360科技有限公司(Qihoo 360 Technology)所发布的信息。奇虎360向新华社表示,仅2月10日一天,带有“东莞”关键词的木马色情网站拦截量猛增近12%。Chinese text scammers frequently target older people on the assumption they are less savvy, though one of the country's biggest young movie stars reportedly fell for a similar con in January.中国的短信骗子们常常将诈骗目标瞄准老年人,认为他们的辨别能力较差。不过,今年1月份有报道称,中国的一位知名年轻影星也遭遇了电信诈骗。It isn't clear how many people took the bait this time, though it's a testament to Dongguan's reputation that fraudsters thought it would be worthwhile to fish with in the first place. And with authorities announcing Tuesday that they planned to launch a three-month province-wide anti-prostitution campaign ( in Chinese), it appears the scammers' tackle boxes may soon be overflowing.目前尚不清楚这一次有多少人“上钩”,但这也从一个侧面证明了东莞的名声在诈骗者眼中可利用程度之高。此外,广东省政府周二宣布将开展为期三个月的全省“扫黄”行动,看来诈骗者们很快又将炮制出更多新骗局。

[*]fraud video
n. 欺骗;骗子;诡计
[*]tackle ['tækl]video
n. 滑车;装备;用具;扭倒vt. 处理;抓住;固定;与…交涉vi. 扭倒;拦截抢球
[*]assumption [ə'sʌmpʃən]video
n. 假定;设想;担任;采取
[*]alternate [ɔ:l'tə:nət, 'ɔ:ltə-, 'ɔ:ltəneit]video
vi. 交替;轮流vt. 使交替;使轮流adj. 交替的;轮流的n. 替换物
[*]suspicious video
adj. 可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的
[*]testament ['testəmənt]video
n. [法] 遗嘱;圣约;确实的证明
[*]migrant ['maiɡrənt]video
n. 候鸟;移居者;随季节迁移的民工adj. 移居的;流浪的
[*]biggest video
adj. 最大的(big的最高级)
[*]hub video
n. 中心;毂;木片
[*]controversial [,kɔntrə'və:ʃəl]video
adj. 有争议的;有争论的