
2014年01月22日 08:12    发布者:lichen
    Dear Annie: Now that it's 2014, my son will be graduating from college in just a few months, and I have to admit I'm a little worried. He's gotten good grades as a finance major with a minor in business, which I think makes him pretty marketable. He's also done a couple of internships, one with a big-name company and one with a startup, but neither has yet offered him a regular full-time job.

    I know the job market is still pretty weak, and although I hate to think of myself as the dreaded "helicopter parent" always hovering nearby, I still think he could use some help. My husband and I are both well-connected in our respective fields, so should we be introducing our son to people who might know of job openings, or is that a bad idea? What do you and your readers recommend? ------ Minnesota Mom

    Dear M.M.: It's not a bad idea at all (more about that in a minute), and wanting to help doesn't make you a helicopter parent unless your "help" starts getting in the way. "Getting a job is really your child's job. It's not your fight," notes David DeLong. "On the other hand, parents know how tough it is out there, which college students don't always realize."
    DeLong should know. He has a daughter who's a junior in college, but, more to the point, he's a fellow at MIT's Age Lab and the author of a new book called Graduate to a Great Job: Make Your College Degree Pay Off in Today's Market. You might find it useful, since it has a couple of chapters just for parents of new grads.

    It's certainly true that the class of 2014 will step into a rocky job market. Unemployment among U.S. young people ages 18 to 29 is stuck at about 16%, and underemployment in the same age group -- that is, working at a job that doesn't call for a four-year degree -- stands at roughly half.

    Moreover, although layoffs in December fell by about 3% year to year, to their lowest level since 2000, according to Chicago outplacement firm Challenger Gray & Christmas, finance jobs are not thick on the ground: The financial industry lost hundreds of thousands of jobs -- more than 80,000 in New York City alone -- in 2013, ironically due to an economic recovery that has drastically reduced the need for people who specialize in foreclosures and rewriting troubled loans. All of those people have had to go somewhere, and your son is competing against them, as well as against many other seasoned finance mavens.


亲爱的明尼苏达州母亲:你的想法一点儿都没错(我们稍后就会谈原因),而且除非你的“帮忙”阻碍了他的成长,否则,你就不是“直升机父母”。“找工作本来就是孩子们的事,你不应插手,”戴维•德朗说。“另一方面,父母们十分清楚求职之路上的竞争有多激烈,而象牙塔中的学生们却知之甚少。”德朗很有发言权,他的女儿正在读大学三年级,但是他确切的身份是麻省理工学院年代实验室(Age Lab)的职员,也是《毕业不失业:怎样在求职大军中脱颖而出》(Graduate to a Great Job: Make Your College Degree Pay Off in Today's Market)一书的作者。这本书中有几个章节正是专为应届毕业生的父母所写,对你来说或许会有帮助。


    根据芝加哥职业介绍机构Challenger, Gray & Christmas的报告显示,虽然2013年12月的企业裁员人数同比下降了3%,创下了自2000年以来的新低,但金融类的工作机会却并不是那么好找。整个2013年,金融行业减少了成千上万个职位,仅纽约市就减少了8万个岗位。讽刺的是,由于经济复苏,市场对擅长于止赎或冲销不良贷款专业人士的需求大幅下降,而他们总归是要找一份工作。你儿子除了要与这些人竞争之外,也还会面对许多经验丰富的金融从业人员。
    Still, jobs do exist, of course: In researching his book, DeLong interviewed 35 recent college grads from 20 different schools (all "good" but none Ivy League), who have succeeded at finding interesting full-time work, sometimes with a boost from their mom and dads' connections. "Every parent-child relationship is different, naturally," DeLong says. "Some kids want nothing to do with any kind of help from their folks. Others are counting on it."

    The first thing many parents have to do, he adds, is come to terms with whatever ambivalence they may harbor about their offspring's leaving home for good. "In all the interviews I did, the parents had mixed feelings. Some of them really wanted the kid to come home for the summer, or even for much longer," he observes. Assuming you've conquered that, here are four steps you can take to help:

    1. If possible, set up informational interviews. DeLong likes your idea of introducing your son to some of the people you (and your husband) know professionally. "Informational interviews, where someone meets with a seasoned person in a given field to find out what the various career paths are and how to get from A to B, are a great tool for any job hunter, but especially for new grads," he says. "Parents can be a gold mine of introductions to colleagues, clients, or other people with real-world insights that kids can really use."

    2. Encourage your child to develop a focus. Those informational interviews should help with this, as should reading some company websites and studying up on current trends in a given industry. "Employers tell me that most entry-level applicants have only a vague idea, if that, of what they want to do or what skills they bring," DeLong says. New grads often overlook, for instance, the link between team leadership honed in college sports or other activities and employers who are looking for those skills. You can help by pointing out the abilities and experience your son has to offer that companies want -- and that he may be overlooking.

    3. Lend a hand with preparing for interviews. "New grads almost always need help with how to act and what to say in a job interview, either from you or from the campus career center or some other experienced source," DeLong says, adding that "interviews are more complicated now than they used to be, with many employers now depending on phone screens and Skype meetings, both of which call for different approaches."
    At the same time, he says, "make sure your child is ready mentally for the sheer number of interviews he or she will probably have to do before getting hired."

    4. Steer him or her clear of the "passion hoax." DeLong considers this so important that he devoted a whole chapter of his book to it. "The larger society, or sometimes even parents themselves, too often encourage kids to 'do what you love' or 'find your bliss,'" he says. "But what if your bliss is the current equivalent of the buggy-whip business?"   


    1. 如果可能的话,帮他们联系信息性面试。德郎会比较认同你把儿子介绍给你(或丈夫)所认识的职场人士的想法。“信息性面试就是让他们与某个特定领域中的经验丰富人士交流,以确定不同的职业发展路径,以及了解如何取得职业晋升。这对于求职者来说是个十分有用的工具,特别是应届毕业生,”他说。“父母如果能把同事、客户等职业人士介绍给孩子,分享对他们有益的社会经验,那么对孩子来说,父母就无异于一个金矿。”

    2. 鼓励孩子逐渐明确想法。给孩子们提供信息化面试的好处很多,因为他们需要阅读公司的网页,了解某一行业的发展趋势。“雇主们告诉我,初级申请者仅对未来所从事的工作或是所需要的技能只有很模糊的概念,”德郎说。比如,应届毕业生常常忽视在大学比赛或活动中所锻炼出来的团队领导力与需要这些技能的雇主之间的联系。你可以帮助他了解他所具备的哪些能力和经验是招聘公司所需要的,而他说不定忽略了这一点。

    3. 帮助他们准备面试。“面试时如何应对或应答?每个应届毕业生都需要得到这方面的指导和帮助,无论这种指导是来自你或是学校职业介绍中心还是其他经验人士,”德郎说。“如今面试的难度与以前相比早已不可同日而语,现在许多雇主们都依赖于电话面试或网络视频面试,这些都需要不同的应对技巧。”而同时,他说:“还要确保他们从思想上做好准备:在找到工作之前需要经历海量的面试。”

    4. 引导他们不要 “被兴趣所蒙蔽”。德朗非常重视这一点,他的书中有一整个章节都是在探讨这个问题。“整个社会,有时是甚至是父母都会鼓励孩子们‘做自己喜欢的事’或是‘找到自己的兴趣所在’,但如果你的兴趣早已跟不上时代怎么办?”
    By his lights, a valuable (and difficult) part of parents' role is being supportive while still acting as a reality check. "Encourage new grads to learn about what industries are growing now and which ones aren't, and where the opportunities are likely to be in the future," he says.You might also mention that "the point right now is to start somewhere, without worrying too much about whether it's the ideal job," DeLong adds. "Especially at the outset of a career, even a job you don't like will teach you a lot."

    What if your child is going into, say, drama, film, or some other field where lots of other talented people are parking cars or waiting tables? "Of course, a few of those people do get their big break," he notes. "But parents need to make sure kids understand the likely consequences of any choice they make now."

    Good luck.

    Talkback: If you've helped a son or daughter find a job in this tough economy, what helped the most (or least)? Leave a comment below.






lichen 2014年01月22日

作者:Mary Civiello
    时间:2014年01月15日                 来源: 财富中文网

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    金球奖颁奖典礼给了我们这些信息:蒂娜•菲和艾米•波勒这两个人的搭档主持不只是昙花一现的精彩;《为奴十二载》(12 Years a Slave)和《美国骗局》(American Hustle)是有最可能摘得奥斯卡桂冠的影片;另外,许许多多的明星演员即使拼了老命,也无法在舞台上做好即兴演出。


    1. 随时作好准备。我一直仰慕杰奎琳•贝塞特的美貌和才华,然而在得知荣获金球奖最佳女配角奖后,她的致辞简直是一团糟。我们从这位69岁的英国女演员身上看到:如果不提前做好准备,局面会有多么糟糕。我们在这方面不能找任何借口,即使你觉得走上舞台的机会很小,也该做好准备。转化到工作中就是这样:不要以为即将召开的会议跟你没有任何关系,你不用扮演任何角色——做好发表意见的准备吧。每一场会议,甚至是社交活动,都需要一定程度的准备。回到比塞特的例子中,她因为在英国广播公司(BBC)的电视剧《边缘之舞》(Dancing on the Edge)中的精彩表现而获奖。得知获奖时,她其实可以先喝杯酒镇定一下。这样,别人为她倒酒时,她就可以编好在舞台上要说的话,说完之后再给出一个光芒四射的微笑,这样整体效果就会很好。如果遇到相同情况,你也可以使用这一招。

    2. 注意聚光灯的指向。得知因为《美国骗局》而获得剧情/音乐/喜剧类最佳女配角奖时,詹妮弗•劳伦斯也表现得十分惊讶。但与比塞特不同,她很快恢复了镇定。现年23岁的劳伦斯很有礼貌地提到了比她经验更丰富的女演员海伦•米伦和洁西卡•兰芝。她提到谁的名字,镜头就会对准谁,于是我们看到海伦•米伦神采奕奕的样子,而洁西卡•兰芝则表现得有点冷淡。兰芝让我想到了公司里的一种人,他们在团队成员说话时,总表现出一副冷淡、不感兴趣的样子。这些人要么是真的觉得厌烦,要么是以为没有人会看他们,或者两者兼而有之。当然,我们最好还是向海伦•米伦学习。要记得:你永远都在舞台上。

    3. 有机会就要好好抓住。在我的故乡堪萨斯城,长辈们总是教导我们:有机会就要好好抓住。我不明白,为什么越来越多的演员不再听从这个劝告。每年的颁奖晚会上,明星们一个个地站上奖台,费力地回忆一个个曾帮助他们走向世界并成名的人的名字——实际上,观众中很少有人知道,也丝毫不关心这里面都有谁。这些“赢家”们在致辞这一问题上却“失败”了。不可避免地,他们总会忘记某些重要的人的名字;他们也丧失了一个很好的说话机会。在这点上,博诺的做法才是最好的。博诺和他的乐队U2因为歌曲《平凡的爱》(Ordinary Love)而获奖,这首歌是他们为电影《曼德拉:漫漫自由路》(Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)创作的。博诺在致辞中说劝人们都去看看这部电影。马修•麦康纳的致辞也不错,他因为在《达拉斯买家俱乐部》(Dallas Buyers Club)中的表演而获得了剧情类最佳男主角奖。公司里的情况则是这样:演示刚开始时,许多发言人都会把时间浪费在组织结构图上——这当然让人犯困,因为这个时候抓住听众的注意力才是最最关键的!我的意见是,如果不能确定某样图表或数据能让观众产生购买产品的欲望,就把它去掉吧。把这些全都去掉,只留下有用的东西,说完就立即鞠躬下台!


    The Golden Globe Awards showed us that co-hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are not just one-hit wonders, that 12 Years a Slave and American Hustle are best bets for Oscars, and that too many star performers cannot, for the life of them, ad-lib on stage.

    What we saw on Sunday night was not just highly entertaining and thoroughly Tweetable; it was packed with performance lessons for everyone in business. Here are three:

    1. Always prepare. Jacqueline Bisset, whom I've admired for her beauty and talent, was downright disoriented in her acceptance speech for Best Supporting Actress. The 69-year-old British actress showed us how awful it can be when you fail to prepare. No excuses, even if you think your chances of reaching the stage are remote. Here's how this translates to business: Don't assume you'll have no role to play in an upcoming meeting. Be ready to be called on. Every meeting, including social events, merits some degree of prep work. Back to Bisset, who won her Globe for her performance in the BBC's Dancing on the Edge: Maybe she decided to have a drink. While they poured, she should have had scrawled a few lines to say on stage, then smiled her radiant smile and all would have been good. That works for you too.

    2. Recognize your spotlight. Jennifer Lawrence also seemed surprised to win the Best Supporting Actress award in the film category, for American Hustle. But unlike Bisset, she pulled herself together. The 23-year-old Lawrence graciously pointed out the more seasoned actors she was up against. As she named them, the cameras focused on Helen Mirren, who appeared sanguine, and then Jessica Lange, who looked sour. Lange made me think of corporate presenters who look uninterested as a team partner speaks. They're either bored and/or assume that no one is looking at them. Better to model Ms. Mirren. You are always on stage.

    3. Make hay while the sun shines. Back in Kansas City, my hometown, that's the way they told us to make the most of the spotlight. I don't understand why more actors don't follow this advice. Every year at award shows, stars get up, one after another, and struggle to remember everyone who has had something to do with bringing them into the world and making them famous--while few in the audience know or care about the people they mention. These "winners" can't win. They inevitably forget someone important. They also miss opportunity. Better to do as Bono did: He and his band, U2, won a Globe for Ordinary Love, the song they wrote for Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom. In his speech, Bono worked on persuading people to want to see the movie. Matthew McConaughey also scored, accepting the Best Actor in a Drama award for Dallas Buyers Club. Here's the corporate case: Too many business presenters waste time showing org charts—a sure snooze that typically comes at the start of a presentation when capturing attention is most critical. I say, park that unless it's sure to make me want to buy what you're selling.
    Do all this and then take a bow!

    Mary Civiello is an executive communications coach. She works with leaders at companies and not-for-profits including Morgan Stanley (MS), Merck (MRK), American Express (AXP), AIG (AIG) and MetLife (MET).