上海需要一位“Mobile System Architect Lab Leader(Director level position”

2013年08月02日 13:40    发布者:KT咨询
【猎头职位:上海需要一位“Mobile System Architect Lab Leader(Director level position”】职位关键词:reference platforms , software platform Qualcomm, Mediatek,Intel,联系人:Gloria,Email:Gloria-hua@kthr.com,Skype:huawen.gloria,Weibo: http://www.weibo.com/gloriahua微信也可查询职位啦!打开手机微信,搜号码“KTHR_COM”或查找微信公众帐号“KT人才”或扫描以上二维码即可添加,欢迎大家关注!

Job Requirements
1 > 15 years of work experience in mobile device or platform development (software and/or hardware)
2 Experiences in developing mobile reference platforms at major chip vendors such as Qualcomm, Mediatek and Intel would be valued very much.
3 Mobile platform development experiences in design houses such as Thundersoft and Archermind or major set makers such as Nokia and Motorola would be desired.
4 Experiences in mobile software platform developments would be desired, working for major software companies such as Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Cannonical and etc.
5 Work experience in building mobile ecosystem and sensing various SW/HW solution providers would be a plus.
6 Deep understanding in mobile system architecture (including software and hardware) is required.
7 Broad knowledge in key building blocks for mobile applications, such as CPU, GPU, multimedia, image signal processing, cellular modem, wireless connectivities and mobile OS like Android would be desired.
8 Project management skill, involving managing various software and hardware vendors, would be required to meet mobile reference platform development schedule
9 BS degree in EE/CE/CS is a minimum,MS/PhD degree in EE/CE/CS preferred.